Friday, December 19, 2008

A typical Atypical Friday: 'Tis the season to get your goat!

Someone gave me a goat today. Seriously.

I should have known that today was going to be weird. After all, it was the last day of school before a 2-week vacation. I knew the kids were going to be off-the-wall crazy/excited. The last day of school is always atypical. Atypically joyous, and unusually frenetic.

Why would I have expected today to be a normal day?

After all, It was 75 fucking degrees outside. 75 degrees on December 19. What? Really? The school I worked at in Chicago was closed today because of a snowstorm. So was the school I worked at in Massachusetts. For that matter, so was the school I went to for 14 years growing up in Connecticut. All of them closed due to massive snowstorms. That's normal. That's a normal Friday in December.

But 75 degrees on the first day of Christmas break? Not normal. Walking outside the door this morning with gloves and a scarf, only to turn around and deposit those things back in my house before driving to work with Christmas songs blasting and my sunroof open...? Not normal.

Little did I realize that my day was about to get even weirder. Like when my fiance called at 7:30AM, just as I arrived to work:

Me: Hello?
C: Hey. Do you want a turkey?
Me: Do I what? Huh?
C: Do you want a turkey? Should I bring home a turkey?
Me: Like, a live turkey? As a pet?
C: No, a turkey that you cook. It's Turkey Giveaway Day here at work. Do we want a turkey?
Me: I'm sorry, what? It's Turkey Giveaway Day? They're giving away turkeys at the hospital?

I thought that was weird, but apparently it's a tradition. Actually, I still think it's weird. Like, really weird. But that was before, later in the day, someone gave me a goat.

A goat! Weird. Just slightly weirder than the llama I was given yesterday.

In all honesty, a goat is a great gift. A company called Heifer International gives a goat to a family in a third-world country on my behalf. The animal supplies the family with milk, etc.... and I've done some good in the world without having actually done anything. So I'm grateful for that, and I think it's a great gift. I'm sure a llama is a great gift, too, but I have yet to read the card, so I'm not really sure how.

And regardless, it's undeniably weird. Undeniably atypical. And, somehow on this Friday, undeniably run of the mill.

1 comment:

Braden Bell said...

LOLOLOLOL. My kids have been laughing their heads off at the thought of a goat and llama being named after me (they didn't get the nuance of being given in your name) anyway, funny post from a fellow goat and llama recipient.
Now stop your Yankee bah-humbugging and go get a tan :)